
Trinity Methodist Music & Drama Fellowship was founded by members of Trinity Methodist Church, in 1964. It continues to be a very friendly, convivial society and we welcome singers, in all voice parts, and non-performers.
We aim to provide our members with opportunities to enjoy singing and performing with the added bonus of annually performing in Chelmsford Theatre accompanied by a full orchestra. Our productions are varied and include operettas, musicals, plays, concerts and Christmas productions.
Photos from a selection of our shows over the years

Past shows
1965 Zeal of Thy House 1966 HMS Pinafore; Brother Wolf; Bonadventure 1967 The Mikado; The Wind of Heaven; Quiet Weekend 1968 Thomas Cranmer of Canterbury; The Pirates of Penzance; O Valiant Heart; Arms & The Man 1969 The Yeomen of the Guard; The Whole town’s Talking 1970 The Firstborn; Ruddigore; A Letter from the General 1971 The Gondoliers; Damascus Rome 1972 Patience; In Good King Charles’ Golden Days 1973 Iolanthe (first production at the Civic); The Man Born to be King 1974 Yeomen of the Guard; See How They Run 1975 Trial by Jury/Sorcerer; Excerpts from previous Anniversary productions 1976 Princess Ida 1977 Ruddigore; The Vigil 1978 Die Fledermaus; Lloyd George Knew My Father 1979 Pirates of Penzance / Cox and Box; Ian Wallace Concert 1980 Mikado; Elizabeth Harwood Concert; Lord Arthur Saville’s Crime 1981 The Gondoliers; Derek Hammonnd-Stroud Concert; The Backyard Miracle 1982 Patience; Sandra Dugdale Concert; Wanted One Body 1983 Iolanthe; Eric Shilling Concert 1984 Trial by Jury/HMS Pinafore;Della jones Concert; All for Mary 1985 Yeomen of the Guard; Della Jones Concert 1986 Ruddigore; Alan Opie/Kathleen Smales Concert 1987 The Merry Widow; On Stage America 1988 The Sorcerer; Ride, Ride 1989 The Gondoliers; Spring and Port Wine; Solomon, the Peaceful King 1990 Orpheus in the Underworld; The Boyfriend 1991 Show Boat; Sarah Walker Concert 1992 Princess Ida; When We Are Married 1993 My Fair Lady; Sarah Walker Concert 1994 Pirates of Penzance; YMCA Benefit Concert 1995 Die Fledermaus; Little Mary Sunshine 1996 Iolanthe; A Music Hall Evening 1997 La Vie Parisienne; Trial by Jury 1998 The Mikado; Murder Most Musical 1999 The Merry Widow; Willard White Concert 2000 HMS Pinafore +Buxton 2001 The Gypsy Baron 2002 Patience; Richard Rogers Concert 2003 Pirates of Penzance + Buxton; Jesus Christ Superstar 2004 Orpheus in the Underworld; Joseph & his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat 2005 Carousel 2006 The Gondoliers 2007 Iolanthe 2008 The Sorceror 2009 Kiss Me Kate 2010 The Mikado 2011 Ruddigore 2012 Half a Sixpence; Farndale Murder at Checkmate Manor 2013 The Merry Widow; Come and Sing Mikado; The Boyfriend 2014 Calamity Jane; Marriage of Figaro; Farndale Christmas Carol 2015 Fiddler on the Roof 2016 Pirates of Penzance; Farndale Chase Me Up Farndale Avenue S'il vous plait 2017 Trial by Jury; Starship Pinafore; Aladdin 2018 Dick Whittington
Join us!
We always welcome newcomers to our group whether they join us to sing or to help back-stage or behind the scenes. Anyone over 16 is welcome to join us with younger children being accepted for some shows.
All our rehearsals are held in the hall (2nd floor) at Trinity Methodist Church, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford from 7:30pm until 10pm. Most rehearsals take place on a Monday evening, with extra ones being held for principals, etc on Wednesday or Thursday.
Membership and Performance Fees
The annual membership fee is currently £40. and should be paid by January1st. Membership runs from January to December. A performance fee is payable which varies for each show.
For some of our productions you may need to access your own scores, and librettos. Others may be available for you to borrow from our own library.
The committee is elected annually and is responsible for the organisation of all areas of the Fellowship. A proportion of the committee, including the chairperson, are Trinity Church members. On occasions there are also sub- committees formed for a variety of different purposes.
The smooth running of our society is only possible if everybody plays their part in the organisation of its many and varied elements. We therefore ask that everyone lends a hand in setting up/tidying away after rehearsals, and particularly the numerous jobs involved before, during and after shows. There are also many back-stage jobs for all of our productions which also require help.
To improve our performances, we also provide occasional workshops, which in the past have included singing and different styles of dance. Recently we have also offered possible participants a taster session prior to auditions and rehearsals when the forthcoming director and musical director have explained their plans for the production and set a musical number similar to the style that will be included in the show. These sessions have always proved to be very successful and enjoyable and are open to members, friends and anyone else who may be interested.